What's Brewing This Weekend - 4/2 Edition

After last week’s brew, my ankle decided to remind that it had a large say in what I can and can’t do - so this week, I’m back at it and going to hit my numbers to get a mild and a saison in place for the SCHF!

Last week’s German pils is perking away,  This week I will probably do a starter for next weeks English IPA.

Hefeweizen for a turkey hunting trip the end of the month, we can only hunt until noon each day then the gloves come off  ;D

Depending on how I feel either a Kolsch or a Pils as I have yeasts ready for both of them.

no brewing till next weekend. :frowning:

bottling a batch of old ale (god I haven’t bottle an entire batch in 2 years, dreading it…)

bottling a bunch of comp entries.

Kicking off a lawnmower Kolsch/Cream this weekend.  Got the Jimmy Buffett concert in Dallas coming up in mid May, and I don’t think a keg of double IPA would be the best option for tailgating all day…

We’re into busy season at the performing arts center.  I’ll be working 6 AM to midnight all this weekend and next.

Quiet brew week? Whoa…

Want to knock out a porter this weekend, but I have so much other stuff to do.

I’ve been itching to do a saison for weeks.  Was going to use some leftover maple sap for the liquor but I think it may be too funky at this point.  Especially after this weekend.  May be in the 70’S!!!

Probably not going to happen.  :cry:

I think I’m finally using the 200mls of 1450 to make DC’s Rye IPA.  Probably do a small starter tonight to wake the yeast up a little bit!  Might squeeze in a Double IPA if I take Monday off too!  8)

Brewed a saison yesterday and threw some blackberries in a wit.  Going to keg and bottle a northern brown, rack a mead, and if I have some spare time brew an IPA, although I don’t have any crystal malt, was thinking of using honey malt instead.

Think I am either gonna brew up Denny’s Belgian IPA or the Terrapin Rye Pale Ale from CYBI.  Got a new puppy coming to live with us tomorrow, so it may have to wait.

As soon as last weeks english brown gets outta my primary, I plan to brew up another batch of my irish red ale. still my favorite so far and im runnin a little low

Tomorrow will be a triple. It will be Classic Styles recipe with an extra Denny hop. In the last 4 weeks I’ve done Janet’s Brown and an IP Wheat.  We dry hopped the brown 1 keg on Centennial and 1 keg on Citra. The wheat is a 7% wheat 50 IBUs from Magnun and an once of Citra at flameout.

Nothing this weekend, but my Willamette/Cascade Pale Ale is headed to a keg.  First kid is due tomorrow so I couldn’t plan much.

I’ll be bottling a porter sometime this weekend. Probably not brewing for a month or so as supply has gotten ahead of demand.

Nothing brewing this week. Plenty of yard work to do this weekend.

Making a starter for an IPA that will be brewed next weekend.

Yeah, I hear that.  My yard is a disaster.

Nothing brewing this weekend.  Going to bottle up the ESB and rack a blonde.

Brewing up an APA tomorrow

Brewing right now… Split Citra Saison and Belgian Strong Amber.