Wheats fall from grace

I had to laugh when I saw a can of “Hefe Wheaties”. Fulton responsible for this monster…[emoji16].

Hey kids , eat Wheaties as a kid and then drink Hefe Wheaties as an adult…wholesome goodness in a can!

Perhaps Denny’s lucky charms beer has a chance…

I will only drink it if they put Caitlyn Jenner on the can.


I really wouldn’t want Caitlyn Jenner on the can, but if that’s your thing no judgement here  :wink:

Really depends what she is wearing… :o

Thanks for the AM smile.

Choked on coffee reading that. Funny stuff. And disturbing.  ;D

Maybe you don’t get the joke, Bruce Jenner was the first to grace the cover of Wheaties Breakfast cereal. Yes, I’m old enough to remember.

+1 …Bruce and the javelin :

We live in a very strange world…

My thoughts, too. Weirder by the week.

I should have labeled pics: Bruce Jenner with javelin

I get that this is all joking around and all, but is this an appropriate conversation for this forum?

lol love it

If you can’t make fun of the obvious in this day and age, then you can just move to Washington and commit legal, well you know…

Some folks have been offended and this could be considered political in nature (which is against forum policy) so I apologize since I started it but I appreciate if we took the talk in a different direction. Thanks.

They should have honored Caitlyn by putting her portrait on the first can of the beer, that’s all we’re sayin’.

+1.  I didn’t see it as political anyway, just a silly pop culture reference.

I only meant it as a pop culture reference as well. I mean, as an 8 year old child I would have never expected Bruce to turn into Caitlyn. That was all I was saying. It is completely strange looking back through that child’s eyes. I meant no political implications nor was I making any reference regarding anyone’s personal gender choices.

+1  no offense intended.

moving back to the beer channel now- Hefe Wheaties??? What???

Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat is essentially liquid Fruity Pebbles, so this isn’t too big of a jump. Certainly can’t taste much worse…