wicked weather

Watching storms flare up on radar is amazing.

Folks are scrambling in midsection America.:-X


yea, i am in midsection america.not in danger where i live but south of me is a chance of major flooding. i was in omaha last weekend and the missouri river is full full full.

Oklahoma is getting hit with tornados as I type.

The company I used to work for in Joplin, MO had the tornado go by six blocks to the north of their facility. Sustained some damage but not the utter devastation seen in the direct path. Wicked weather indeed.

My parents got hit pretty good lasy night here in Ohio. Tornado sirens went off several times, they say. Tonight, all is quiet. Supposed to kick back up tomorrow night. Hope so, now that I’m here to get in on some of the action!

Tornadic system just went overhead, sirens winding down (Kansas City).  I’ll take these over earthquakes though, at least we have advance warning!

I heard about the tornado in KC on my way back to the office after lunch.  Any damage?  I used to live down there so I’m have a soft spot for KC.

It’s been a danged strange Spring.  All the nasty weather started too early.


Heard of some 1 1/2" hail in parts, and there were a lot of rumours of touchdowns on the radio but I have my skepticism in many cases.  People around here are always very jumpy about this stuff and even more so in the wake of Joplin, so a lot of “eyewitness reports” tend to be exaggerations.

Where we are we just got a good dose of rain and a pretty vicious looking wall cloud pass over with reported rotation.  Its sunny and beautiful out now…we’ll see how long that lasts!  ;D

We would love to see some rain.  We’re in the opposite situation from the rest of the country.  No measurable precip since September 19, 2010.  It is wicked dry out here and there have been lots of tremendous fires already.  The forecast is for no significant chance of rain until July, and then it’ll probably rain every day.

Man, that thing rotated out of here yesterday afternoon, and was still cranking this morning!
If I lived out there, I would have a root cellar for sure!

They are preparing for an EPIC runoff around these parts,
with most basins in the state at 150-250% above average snowpack. :o

Wonder how many years it will take for our severe weather events to reach sci-fi standards?

Supposed to get some biggies here in Ohio tonight, and tomorrow! Woohoo!!! I’ll be in the front yard wearing my foil hat, holing a beer.  ;D

ever read Bruce Stirling’s Heavy Weather??

So the year 2031 then?    :smiley:

Weeze, you better get back to the land-o-milk-n-honey. 
Nothing ever happens in the chosen land that is SE Idaho. :wink:

Decent storm just rolled through. It was tornadic all around us, but not right here. Oh well, supposed to be worse tomorrow.

Or maybe later tonight :o

Tornadic is just a cool, wicked sounding word.
There is a fascinating power in severe weather. 
Like thunder and lightning at the same time above treeline.

I spent some time in Texas, and really wanted to see and experience a tornado.
The locals thought that was tweaked and I was obviously an ignorant outsider.

I feel the same. I would love to witness it clear an open field…No structures.
I share the sentiment. Add earthquakes, and volcanoes to that list.
I don’t think it is wierd to want to witness and experience the power of nature…

as long as no one is hurt.

“Tornadic”…that would make a great name for a beer.

That book was the first thing I thought of! Sterling. We’re almost there. Wish that guy would put out a few more books.

Well like Corky we’ve been abnormally dry for years now. When it does rain like gangbusters people die all the time- usually by trying to cross a low-water crossing and are swept away. This midwest tornadic weather is some bad sh!t though.

I have read P.G. Wodehouse’s Heavy Weather!  One of the Blandings Castle series.

I just kicked a keg of The Tsorachi Tsunami.  :wink:

Another term that freaks me out is referring to an outbreak of tornadoes as a swarm.

“A tornadic swarm hit the Midwest today…” :o