
Been doing some reading and a recipe I found calls for WLP001 liquid. But, not ever having much luck with liquids in the past, I saw that there is a WLP001 dry version. Has anybody tried it and how were the results? I have a package of BRY97 that I could use but not sure if that would be the same thing. Any input is always welcome.

The WLP dry is way over $10. Not with my budget.

The dry is 9.99 on Morebeer.  But I am wondering if the Bry97 I have will work.

BRY-97 or US-05 will work just fine. Unless you did a side-by-side comparison, you’d likely never perceive a difference in beers brewed with any of the three.


Sure. There will be a difference but not in a negative way

Get your dry yeast from ritebrew.com

Unfortunately, they don’t carry White Labs.

MoreBeer has Cellar Science CALI dry yeast for $3.99 for a 12g packet. The description makes it sound a lot like the other yeasts mentioned above. I have used it twice with good results.

Awesome, thanks all.  I have a packet of BRY97 in the fridge that is begging to be used, and I have Cali as well slated for a SMASH that I am going to try.  So, with that said, I think I am going to take the WLP001 off my cart and go with what I already have.  Next up, some research on how to cultivate yeast from already done brews.  I figure at this point, if I can do that and have a few strains on deck, it will save me about 10 bucks a batch.  Thanks to all who replied and keep the posts coming, I am learning as I go.

RiteBrew has BRY-97 for $3.59 and US-05 for $2.79. Buy 10 packets (mix & match) and get $0.40 off per pack. It’s the best deal I’ve found on dry yeast.

They didn’t have BRY-97 a while back so this is good to see.
Checken their page, it is there.

Which is why I specified dry yeast

I thought this post was about dry WLP001?

All good! It’s fairly new, and I don’t know how widely available it is. I’ve seen it on MoreBeer, but that’s about it so far. I’m hoping for more strains in dry format from them. Right now it’s just wlp001 and wlp066, and I haven’t seen the 066 in homebrew size yet.

More than I’m willing to pay for dry yeast.

I used Cali in the Amer Wheat I have tapped now. I had good results with it as well.