Anyone have any comment on this strain? How does it compare with the WY French saison yeast?
Really?? No comments? :-\
Can’t find my notes but This might have been the yeast I used for my saison last fall. It took a long time to finish. I decided to brew a saison because it was northern california in the summer and I had no temp control. However once I brewed it cooled right off. go figure. It was a good yeast except it took like 4 weeks or a little more to complete.
My SG went from 1.051 to 1.002 so it was pretty complete.
Because I didn’t chill my wort quite enough before pitching, and probably underpitched so it took another couple of weeks to condition out some little fuesels.
overall I would say it’s a good yeast. Got a little black pepper and other spices. but generally pretty clean. Some BMC drinkers tasted a bottle at thanksgiving and really liked it.
I used this one last year and it is a fantastic strain. Highly recommend it. It does a great job of fermenting and drying out the beer without much prodding, with a great mix of tropical fruit and peppery spice flavors. Would recommend fermenting on the cool side, start at high 60s or 70 and let it rise.
Thanks for the info, guys.