Not to sound too much like Denny but how come there are so few AIPA recipes in the Wiki? I’d think that would be one of the most common styles that homebrewers make. I’m checking out hopping ideas and there’s only 3 in the Wiki and two of them are 2-hearted clones.
Maybe everyone already knows a great recipe and I’m the last to know but if you’ve got a good one, please put it in the wiki.
I’m going to add my saison and my best bitter today so that I don’t seem like so much of a hypocrite.
The wiki is underutilized and maybe under publicized. It would be great to see more stuff there. Maybe we should put a reminded in every BrewTechTalk and Zymurgy that goes out. In the meantime, all we can do is keep reminding people (like this post) and asking them to put recipes in.
Try this
I call it an APA but it will help fill your hop fix
Thanks Fred. I was actually thinking of sending you a PM because I’m considering doing a high gravity beer and I need advice. The last big beer I had was Sam Adams Triple Bock and I don’t want anything like that. Horrible beer.
Anything on the Wiki I should try?
Today’s beer ended up being:
10 lbs Pale Malt
3 lbs Munich
1 lb crystal 45
2 oz Centennial @ 60
1 oz each Citra/Sorachi Ace @20
1 oz each Citra/Sorachi Ace @10
1 oz each Citra/Sorachi Ace @ flameout.
Never used 8 oz of hops in one beer before.
I threw a recipe up.
Not an AIPA though.
Denny…How about starting a sticky thread, “Favorite Recipes” that can be put into the wiki. It would then have to be input by someone just as an emailed recipe would but might generate some interest.
I agree it would generate interest, but until there’s a plan to get the recipes put into the wiki I’d rather not get ahead of myself.
I get the wiki editing notifications and most edits seem to be made by ‘ahaintern’. Maybe ‘ahaintern’ could do this too.

I threw a recipe up.
;D Did you get the little pieces out of your mustache?