I know this isn’t a new product since Absinthe actually has been legal in the States for quite some time now. This stuff is as probably as close to the classic absinthe one can get with 10mg thujone per serving. According to my research this is most likely more ppm than the original product. Regardless, I’m fairly sure that thujone isn’t the main effector in this drink but is part of a synergistic medley of herbs.
I’ve had a pastis everyday between the classic 5-6 pm to celebrate the drink and to stimulate the appetite.
It’s fairly nice with just ice but thought I’d demonstrate the “louche” without the wasteful flaming of the sugar-cubes. Dilute about 3-1 and serve well chilled. Sip and enjoy the delicate flavors.
That has been a main point of those that say there is no “effect” other than the strong presence of alcohol. I’m fairly new to this particular liquor so can’t say definitively but it seems to be a very possible.
Quite tasty if you like anise- which I do… Absinthe as an aperitif is quite excellent.
I don’t think alcohol has any effect on how vivid your dreams are. I get the most vivid and just stunningly beautiful dreams when I haven’t had a drink in days. It’s probably something in the herbs used to make it, but who knows…
Speaking of dreams, I just had an amazing one where I fell in love with an undead cat whom I took to my diabolical bitch ex-girlfriend (who was a necromancer) to bring back to life… Talk about complex!
I tried Absente when it originally came out and used Southern Wormwood instead of Grande Wormwood and I wasn’t a big fan. I’m curious how the flavor has changed now that it has been reformulated.
Personally, I’m a big fan of Lucid absinthe. That is my go-to hooch for when I want to get good and ripped
I can’t say that I’ve noticed any “psychoactive” properties that couldn’t be attributed to alcohol itself, but I do think it has some mild stimulant effect. Normally I’m out cold after I’ve had a few too many, but I can usually go all night on absinthe. It also probably helps that I like to mix it with something like Mt Dew or Full Throttle
I’m fairly new to absinthe too. I haven’t had a lot of other brands, but I do enjoy Absente. It has a pleasant anise flavor to it. It is not sickening sweet like anise liqueurs. I like by itself or traditional method with the louche. Most of my friends think its too bitter on its own and prefer the traditional way. I never tried the flaming method. Drinking alcohol and lighting things on fire do not always go well together for me. Although I do wonder how different the taste is.
I haven’t gotten ripped on only absinthe so I cant really say what the psychoactive effects on me were. I have had both from where I couldn’t fall asleep to vivid dreams after falling asleep…but there may have been other contributors to the vivid dreams.
Euge did you buy that “Lab Chic” carafe at the same place they sell the erlenmeyer flask wine decanters?
I can’t figure why X shots of 130 proof liquor would be any more psychoactive than X*1.5 shots of an 80 proof liquor. Nobody every claims that Bacardi 151 or other overproof liquors are psychoactive. Also, prepared like this it is probably diluted to 50 proof or less. Soooo… I don’t buy that.
Beer goggles are not hallucination, beer goggles are ambivalence.
Example -
Beer goggles: You thought you went to bed with an attractive girl (or guy) last night.
Hallucination: You thought you were the bed last night.
Oh, it’s definitely bitter. I tried to make my own Absinthe back in my younger, stupider days by steeping herbs/spices and a bunch of wormwood in vodka. That was some puking of epic proportions - and it wasn’t alcohol induced as I could barely choke down one shot of the stuff. Good luck to you if you want to try it in beer…
I have watched people who I had previously seen handle vast amounts of alcahol reasonably well do some of the stupidest things you can imagine while drinking homemade absinthe.