hi, i know there are a lot of links here to various podcasts, but if someone has any to recommend that are ideally informationally dense, not “chummy” and overlong for the sake of filling time, i would love to hear them. self-promotion is fine
pretty much any topic related to homebrewing or even commercial brewing.
i listened to a denny interview and that was appropriate recently.
In that order. I’ve actually taken the time to message and congratulate the Brulosophy pod-casters for holding the filler chatter to a minimum. Their shows follow a distinct outline… introduction of the topic - discussion of the topic - recipes/tests/conclusions.
Beersmith is also light on cutesy banter and tends to get straight to the point.
Experimental brewing sometimes go off the rails but I like Denny and Drew’s chemistry and they don’t take it too far. The information they provide makes any chummy chatter worthwhile.
I do like Basic Brewing Video but for some reason have never gotten into their Radio podcast.
just a one-off thing of ron pattison, but i always find him so fascinating.
had to post this as he is clearing up a misnomer even i didn’t understand clearly. - that in the past “ale was unhopped and beer was hopped”. it starts about 8 minutes in.
i bookmarked basic brewings youtube page as i liked the idea, but geez, on a personal/hearing them talk level these are the exact kinda guys i cant stand in homebrewing. ugg