beer podcasts that are concise, informationally dense and no-video required

hi, i know there are a lot of links here to various podcasts, but if someone has any to recommend that are ideally informationally dense, not “chummy” and overlong for the sake of filling time, i would love to hear them. self-promotion is fine

pretty much any topic related to homebrewing or even commercial brewing.

i listened to a denny interview and that was appropriate recently.

looking for stuff for car rides and mp3 player.

Its been a few years since I listened to many podcasts (I’ve been on an Audible kick), but my old regulars were:

Basic Brewing Radio
Experimental Brewing
The Sour Hour
Brew Strong
Another one with an umlaut that would not likely interest you :slight_smile:

Experimental Brewing

In that order. I’ve actually taken the time to message and congratulate the Brulosophy pod-casters for holding the filler chatter to a minimum. Their shows follow a distinct outline… introduction of the topic - discussion of the topic - recipes/tests/conclusions.

Beersmith is also light on cutesy banter and tends to get straight to the point.

Experimental brewing sometimes go off the rails but I like Denny and Drew’s chemistry and they don’t take it too far. The information they provide makes any chummy chatter worthwhile.

I do like Basic Brewing Video but for some reason have never gotten into their Radio podcast.

MBAA podcast.
Craft Beer and Brewing.

Denny and Drew of course.

thanks, i listened to beer smith this morning.

whats the umlaut one. i sometimes listen to german audio even though my comprehension isn’t great. also for any other poster checking this thread?

sounds good

ron pattison has a bunch of youtube videos where he discusses history of ahem… his highly particular beer interests, but no show of his own.

just a one-off thing of ron pattison, but i always find him so fascinating.

had to post this as he is clearing up a misnomer even i didn’t understand clearly. - that in the past “ale was unhopped and beer was hopped”. it starts about 8 minutes in.

The very best ones that pretty much get right to the point with best content (my favorites):

Master Brewers Podcast -

Basic Brewing Radio - Welcome to Basic Brewing™ : Home Brewing Beer Podcast and DVD - Basic Brewing Radio™

The Beersmith podcast is ~okay, but I don’t think Brad makes a great host honestly.  Decent guests though.

MBAA is the only one I really have time to listen to right now but it is definitely concise (announcements made for upcoming events but short).

I was referring to the Brülosophy podcast, but  I’m familiar with your opinion of them.

masts brewers podcast is awesome!

Can second Master Brewers Podcast, John is a great host and you can listen to it on Spotify which is convenient.

i bookmarked basic brewings youtube page as i liked the idea, but geez, on a personal/hearing them talk level these are the exact kinda guys i cant stand in homebrewing. ugg