what good podcasts are out there?

I’ve subscribed to Basic Brewing Radio but unfortunately have listened to all them.  I’m looking for other channels that are worth while.  I made the mistake of just subscribing to another so called homebrew channel and found it to be annoying, lacking any information, and generally just worthless.  So if you could what other good podcasts are out there?!

If you have hick skin, The Sunday Session is informative, and entertaining. I love it, and am listening to them on my Droid, at work. But, flame suit on, I still wish they would lay off the cussing. Still a good show though.

Brew Strong on the brewing network is the best. I have quite honestly learned more from them then any other way. Jamil Zainesheff and John Palmer host it. Check out iTunes and give me credit for turning you on to them!

And the last of the Brewing Network shows is Jamil Show:

I also enjoy the Basic Brewing podcasts and wait for each new one to come out.  I agree with the others about the podcasts on the Brewing Network.  Jamil has a lot of wonderful information in his podcasts.  I have not found others available on the Zune Marketplace yet.


+1 on Brew Strong.  The Jamil show is also a wonderful resource for beer styles.  The latest incarnation of the Jamil Show (Can you Brew it) is fun and interesting, but if you’re interested in a particular style - check out the earlier shows.  I like to listen to the podcast before brewing a new style, just to get in the mood.  And I found that the Jamil shows were great prep material for the BJCP exam.
the Sunday session is quite entertaining (for those of us with thick skins).  There have been some really good discussions on certain brewing topics and neat interviews with brewers. 
Have fun!

Graham’s a bit of a PITA but he does know his stuff.

and older broadcasts:

a local brewery in baltimore called clipper city has some pretty cool podcasts you could check out

Didn’t know Hugh was doing that. Thanks,
Well, apparently he’s not… At least not yet.

Where did you find it?

I learned from forums, pod casts (The Session), a lot of rail and error, and my mistakes.

Couldn’t agree more.


stoutfan they did one a while back that i got a flyer for so i just assumed sorry

Thanks all!  I just got a new job over an hour away so my need for pod casts has increased that much more!  I’ll check them all out, thanks again!

The Brewing Network is the place to go for good content. They really have become the leaders in providing current brewing information. The only criticism I have ever heard is that they sometimes use foul language, which to me is comical. If you want polite conversation, talk about wine.

I’m betting you’re thinking of the time he was on TBN.
Last time I ran into Hugh I called him Huge Saison.
We both laughed.

So thankful  for the BN. Great on long drives. Get home itching to brew.

Also get to listen to John Palmer and Jamil. Not big on the Sunday show. Too much hyuck hyuck and light on the brewing info. Certain key Lunch Meet and Brew Strong episodes are a must in my mp3 library. They focus primarily on water over four whole episodes and lay it bare. Wow. Major piece of puzzle fits into place…

I agree…I love the Brewing Network.  I’m a regular donor, as well.  I have all of them saved, and listen to the appropriate style Jamil Show before brewing an unfamiliar style.  The Sunday Session is what I listen to all the time…I can’t remember the last time I actually used the radio in my truck!  They actually have a lot of good info…it’s just mixed in with all the fun.

Another Brewing Network fan, have listened since day 1. Been a regular donor since about day 1 as well. I like Basic Brewing podcasts as well but I get 99% of my info and knowledge from the Brewing Network shows.

I cancelled my Sirius Radio subscription because I was listening to The Brewing Network all the time.

I need to do the same with my XM in the car. I can’t remember the last time I ever even turned it on. I listen to one of the BN shows on my commute.