Looking for some feedback on this yeast and/or company. Reading the description it is stated that it is a from Weihenstephan. Is that to say that its is the same strain as weihenstephan if in fact weihenstephan is a strain? 34/70 comes to mind here. Is it the same yeast?
For the one’s who have used Cellar Science in general and the german strain in particular, how did it perform?
At $4.49 for a 12g sachet v $7.99 for Saflager 34/70 it makes a welcome cost difference when brewing 15 gallons.
This will give some background, but not answer your question.
Weihenstephan is a a German brewery owned by the state of Bavaria. There is also an associated brewing school that is part of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The yeast band used to be part of that, but it was sold and is a private enterprise, https://www.hefebank-weihenstephan.de/
That is a yeast bank with many varieties. Scroll through.
dry yeast for lagers is(was) especially convenient since you could simply use two packs rather than really making a strong starter and keeping the gravity low on that first beer, but yeah for the past year i’ve been seeing W34/70 at $8.99 per sachet and S189 at $9.49 per 11g sachet!!! thats insane when even other fermentis products average 4 to 5 dollars on the same site. i dont know why its like this especially since i’d need to buy 2 per modest grav 5 gallons.
Those are excellent prices, but the site specifically states they don’t ship outside the US.
I think the issue is, after a phonecall with morebeer i had a while ago, if they are shipping more than just a very few lbs of grain there are a lot of customs things they have to pass through, and it simply isn’t worth it for an individual homebrewer’s 2 or 3 batch order. I’m sure yeast is just as much of an issue as grain crossing a border.
Not being defeatist, but this seems to be the case and why there generally isn’t a lot of reports of canadians ordering from american online HBS.
yes, i count on always doing at least one repitch, but im currently trying out yeasts to see which ones i really like. ive only been back in north america for about 3 years, and previous to that i had never ever had access to liquid yeast except harvested from bottle-conditioned beers. its all very exciting and new to me simply having whitelabs to pick from.
I’ve used Cellar Science German twice. I’m very happy with it. I hydrated it using their FermStart nutrient and it took off quickly. Produced a nice clean crisp lager.