Dry yeast for Oktoberfest/Marzen?

I am thinking about brewing a Marzen/Oktoberfest in the near future.  My access to liquid yeast is pretty limited and I can’t get a hold of any White Labs or WYEAST lager yeast right now.  There is a selection of dry yeast in town.  I was wondering if anyone had any favorite dry yeasts for this style?  I was thinking about the Mangrove Jack’s M76 Bohemian Lager but am open to any other suggestions.  Thanks!

I’d probably grab Fermentis 34/70

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

34/70 , S-189 or S-23 would all do well IMO. I’d probably use -189.


I think the M76 would work well. It’s Bavarian, though, not Bohemian. Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

Oops!  ::slight_smile:

+1.  I’ve used it for both dry and malty german lagers with success.

34/70 is my go to but I used 189 once in a dunkel inspired brown lager and it was fantastic.

Add me to the list for 3470 as well.  Who’s running it cold or warm?  I am pretty converted to warm.

Still cold but not afraid to run it warm based on others results. How warm do you go?

I’ve only run it cold.

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

You’ve made me dig out my Oktoberfest recipe which calls for S-23. I may have to try something new this year.

Me too.

Didn’t run it too warm just basement temps mid 60s.  Worked well and i am brutal about my beers.

I’ve used S23 well, but if you have a problem with 50 temps. Try Nottingham it works well with Lager characteristics and you can run it down to 59/60

34/70 or S-189 both would work well. My personal preference is probably 34/70. I don’t have enough experience with S-23 to recommend it (though I remember not caring for it several years back.)