Recommendations for Oktoberfest yeast?

I wasn’t planning on brewing for Oktoberfest but now I think I will and use lager yeast for the first time.  What yeasts are recommended for oktoberfests?  Any dry yeasts?  How about the Wyeast 2633 Oktoberfest lager blend?

I’m partial to 2308 and 2206

You’re a little late if you are brewing for this upcoming Oktoberfest.  :wink:

Another vote for WY2308.

WY2278, the Czech pils yeast, also makes a nice dry but malty O’fest.

I made an Oktoberfest with White Labs WLP838 Southern German Lager. It’s a quick and strong fermenter that floccs out really well. The beer was already pretty clear before I started to lager. It also does a really good job of letting the malt character shine through.

I have one with 34/70 going right now, but I won’t be able to tell you how it is until November.  I’ve used Wyeast 2124/WLP830 with success in the past too.

833.  Not sure I’ll ever go back to any of the others

Thanks, I’ll see what the lbhs has.

Wyeast 2633 (Oktoberfest blend) is my go-to yeast for malty lagers, especially Oktoberfests.


+1 to this strain too.  Easy to work with, fast fermenter, and produces very low sulfur (if any).

Yep. My favorite strain for malty lagers.

I really like 2206 and 2633 for Ofest.

if kegging just 21 days…plenty of time to get it done and served for end of september.

WLP833 is lovely IMO.