Substitute for WLP820

WLP820 is out of stock and I wanted to place an order today.  Can someone suggest a suitable replacement for in a Marzen?  Dry yeast is fine also. I’ve got 34-70 about ready to harvest and more 34-70 mixed with S23 also getting ready to harvest/toss. I’m pretty sure I don’t want either of those.  I’ve never used WLP-820 before so I don’t know what it’s character is, but I am guessing it has some.

Thanks for the reply, but what am I not seeing?
I clicked on “Buy Now” and it took me to MB where it’s out of stock.  The comparison tool might be cool if I didn’t have to choose between 1000 other yeasts and know what they taste like to figure out which would be close… I’m not sure how to use that compare tool.

(edit), Got it! There’s a substitution chart there also. Coo, thanks!
Recommends S23 as one of em… Hmmm. I just tossed my last two of them in another beer trying to save it and wasted it. Lol. Story of my life.

Recommendations are:
OYL-107, WLP830, RVA-303, WY2633, WY2206, W-34/70, S-23.  I only have experience with the last 2.  WLP-820 appears to be a sort of Belgain’y yeast, and from what it says, potentially tricky to work with. I’m guessing it’s proclivity for off flavors is desired in the Marzen.  I’ve never really taken note to S23 adding substantially to the flavor of a beer, much like 34-70 just sits in the background.

Anyone have experience with 820 and any of the first 4 and care to share an opinion?  Absent any opinions suggesting otherwise, I’ll likely re-pitch the 34-70 I have.  Possibly even re-pitch my frankenstein mix since both are on that list and that’s what’s in my conical, easiest to harvest.

A Marzen would come out really nicely with a bunch of strains including 2124, 830 and Omega Bayern (not sure if that’s the OYL-107 that CP posted or not).  I have Bayern coming up next here and I plan to make a full set of German styles including helles, pilsner, festbier/marzen, dunkel, etc.  It’s the same strain as Wyeast 2352 if they still produce that strain.  In the end, the beer you make comes out best with the yeast you like the best.  If 820 is not available now it gives you the chance to try something different.  2124 and Bayern (along with WLP940 also known as Omega 113 … Mexican Lager) are my three favorite lager strains.  I actually made a Munich Helles with Omega 113 last week!  :open_mouth:

WLP820 is a crappy yeast.  Any other lager yeast will do a better job.  If you have W-34/70 that you can re-pitch, by all means, just use that!  Other favorites include S-189, Diamond, Wyeast 2206, and there are a dozen others.

Thanks for the response.

My lager brewing experience, unless my memory fails me, has all been dry yeast.  I’ve done very little of it.  Last night I hooked up my extra 15 cu-ft freezer to an inkbird to use for cold crashing ales that were sitting out.  That might become my new lager fermenter.  It’s been sitting unplugged for 7 years… I bought it for a wedding I brewed for (18 cornies) many years ago. I also have a stand-up type that’s much nicer and haven’t needed any more capacity, till now.

Just looked now and Omega 107 is also not available on MB.  Not even listed as out of stock. Bayern it says is 114, so not quite the same thing.  2124 looks interesting, but with a list as long as your arm for recommended styles, Marzen isn’t one of em.  I wonder if it’s because of a lack of esters produced and they want those “off” flavors.  I am not sure if I’ve ever had a commercially made Marzen. I’m totally flying blind here just spitballing new stuff to try that I don’t think I’ll screw up.

830 is available and appears recommended.  I’ll probably pick up that.  Do guys do a starter on something like that?  I’ll have 2 6.5 Gal fermenters and one 12 Gal conical freed up by the weekend, and will fill them all with ‘something’.  Especially with folks telling me to not let the slurry sit around so long. Since that wedding, I’ve had unlimited kegs sitting empty, and I’m assuming these lagers can sit around forever in a cold box, so I figure I may as well learn something about lagers…

To my shock and horror, my Stout kicked last night after a 2oz pour… So it’s 7% White-House Porter and a Less-than-stellar IPA is all I have left. And the porter is “float’n” pretty high. This is fast becoming a crisis! :smiley:

Well, I have 2 BMB’s full of 34-70 @ $0.00… I sorta like that price!  I’m going to pick up something in liquid, just to give it a shot.  On the site Bob linked, they weren’t enthusiastic about 820.  Mentioned it’s finicky.  Ok, I can do without extra hassles early in this process.  Had it been available it would have already been on order.  I’ll pick up some diamond just because I already had that in the cart to use as my emergency dry hanging around in the fridge. They say keep ‘something’ around for emergencies. Well, I just used all mine.


Absolutely make a starter for liquid lager yeast.

8)  Will do. Thanks.
Order is almost ready now.

2206 rocks in a marzen, or any malty lager.

Really like 833 in German lagers