Hi, I’m getting ready to brew an Oktoberfest beer. I’ve used 34/70 several times before and for my first oktoberfest batch. I picket this one mostly because I can avoid making a big starter. Should I stick with it? I’ve been pondering switching to Wyeast 2206 or 2236. What is everyone’s preference or opinion?
I just brewed a Marzen with 2206, and am fermenting it now at 48 degrees. Pitched a 2 liter starter. Seems to be doing quite well, down from mid 50’s to 1.022 so far. About ready for a diacetyl rest. Don’t know yet how it will taste, but so far I like it.
For an Ofest I’d go 2206 over 34/70.
I guess I am the lone wolf. I prefer dry yeast over liquid but only because I cannot get liquid yeast locally. I’ve shipped in dead liquid yeast one too many times. If I could get liquid yeast locally I probably would use it.
Having said that, if available I’d probably use S-189 for an O’fest. Otherwise, I’d use 34/70 or Diamond.
I’ve had success with Imperial L17 Harvest. I’ve been wanting to try Wyeast 2633 Octoberfest Lager Blend.
My favorite is the Ayinger strain. WLP 833 or Omega Bock. Even in an Oktoberfest, the maltiness really comes out.
2206, WLP833, and S-189 are all favorites of mine.
My favorites are the WY2206 and WY 2633.
Thanks for the opinions. It looks like 2206 is a favorite. Does it bring out the malt character more than 34/70?
Yes. The nice thing about 2206 is that it actually tastes German at the end. I don’t get that from W-34/70, not that I’ve used it a lot but I know I didn’t like it as much as 2206.
In terms of dry yeast, S-189 would be a great choice here.
Yeah, quite a bit IMO. And it’s really kinda more mouthfeel than flavor.
I have an Oktoberfest going with S-189 as we speak.
Actually mostly S-189 as I needed more than the one pack I had so I supplemented it with a partial pack of W34/70.
I also agree that 34/70 would not be a great choice if you want a malt-focused Lager.
34/70 is cleaner and quicker and S-189 does present more malt. But S-189 has required more lagering time to clean up.

34/70 is cleaner and quicker and S-189 does present more malt. But S-189 has required more lagering time to clean up.
I, for one, have all kinds of free time to lager.