Somebody got a haircut…
Here I am with the Fender Jazz Bass… from a New York Times photo.
This is my band at a gig in Ocean City ,Md
The misses and I at Mallory Square in Key West.
When did they put up a railing?! I always loved the thought of drunk tourists falling in.
lol ;D
and believe me there are plenty of drunk tourists in Key West.

Here I am with the Fender Jazz Bass… from a New York Times photo.
so, what, your wife won’t let you wear the clown suit while on vacation or something??

Somebody got a haircut…
Yeah, I actually cut it off a while ago.

Here I am with the Fender Jazz Bass… from a New York Times photo.
so, what, your wife won’t let you wear the clown suit while on vacation or something??
The clown suit is my superbrewer suit and is only to be worn while fighting for truth, justice and american homebrew. 8)
[quote=“babalu87, post:16, topic:302, username:babalu87”]

Greetings from Kwajalein Island:
How the hell do you get brewing supplies out there!
Easy, Uncle Sam. We live on a US Army Base and so we get our mail via an Army Post Office (APO). The supplies usually get here in a couple of weeks. That means for liquid yeast, I have to make a big starter and assume a low viability. Also, only top-fermenting ales here. Otherwise, it is like a paid vacation at a two-star resort.
Here’s a picture of the family at this year’s OktoBEERfest! I’m the guy in the hat.
Here’s a pic of a sampler of the beers we brewed and served. L to R - Schwarzbier, Altbier, Märzen and Hefeweizen.
Hey Tubercle, you clean up real good. Is that a the Titanic’s staircase in the background? …funny.
Here is me and the little squirt just before dinner. Couldn’t find anything with my face on this computer,or my ass, I have a really nice ass. This will have to do.
[quote=“tesla_hv, post:28, topic:302, username:tesla_hv”]

Greetings from Kwajalein Island:
How the hell do you get brewing supplies out there!
Easy, Uncle Sam. We live on a US Army Base and so we get our mail via an Army Post Office (APO). The supplies usually get here in a couple of weeks. That means for liquid yeast, I have to make a big starter and assume a low viability. Also, only top-fermenting ales here. Otherwise, it is like a paid vacation at a two-star resort.
You had LAT/LON on another forum but I figured it was just a joke 8)
You know, you pretty much have to do a Coconut Porter of somekind dont you?

Hey Tubercle, you clean up real good. Is that a the Titanic’s staircase in the background? …funny.
We were all dressed up for the formal captain’s dinner and that’s a cheesy canvas backdrop. Hell, I even shaved.
This is more like it on a regular basis ;D
Tubercle and his daughter at a bluegrass festival
Weaze, ya look like ya have been doing bong hits in that picture…MMMM… bong hits.
Here, I found a better one of me and the family.
Hey Weaze, did you have to win a match against Macho Man Randy Savage to get those pants? :)
Here I am with my wife Michelle.
Nah. I just too them when he wasn’t looking. ;D

Weaze, ya look like ya have been doing bong hits in that picture…MMMM… bong hits.
Here, I found a better one of me and the family.
cap - what happened to the spiked hair?
Its gettin kinda long. Almost cut it.
Only time it lays down is when it is long.
I always forget what an ogre I am until I see myself holding a refractometer. LMAO.
This is me…in Pilsen!
That PU draft in Pilsen might have been the best beer I have ever had in my life.