golden promise for lager?

I’ve read that golden promise malt can be used in lagers with good results. Anyone out there try it?

I would try the Simpsons GP for a light lager as it is about 2L. For a darker lager Thomas Fawcett GP might work, it is around 3.5L.

I’m not sure which maltster my LHBS carries.
I was mainly thinking about using G P to avoid the really long boil needed for some pilsner malts.

Golden promise will make a nice lager but also, IME if you do a good, vigorous 60 minute boil with pilsner and practice good pitch and fermentation you should have no DMS issue either

I agree, but I switched to 45 minute boils for my ales years ago to save time and if G P will make a good lager and save me some time I’ll give it a go.

Just make sure its a vigorous boil, you may lose a bit more in evaporation but probably not as much as a 90 minute boil.
