Hi all, I’m contemplating purchasing a GF FV, has anyone got one or experienced using one? I’m sold on the prolongevity of the stainless steel and scratch resistance prevent chances of infection but after any further insight you guys might have?
A couple of things have put me off buying one. Firstly the volume seems a bit low, especially when paired with a brewing system where the standard batch size is 23L. Secondly the tap fitted to it is rubbish.
The GF standard brewsize is 23L (all their recipes are for 23L), which I felt didn’t give the FV enough headroom. Personally this wouldn’t overly bother me, as I generally stick to 19L, but it’s nice to have the option of an extra (US) gallon.
I don’t have the FV but for about the same price (at least in the US), I’d go with a SS Brewbucket which has a 7 gallon capacity as opposed to the 6.6 gallon capacity of the FV.
Their FV looks like a coffee urn.
I just use Better Bottles for my fermentation and attach a blowoff tube when there is little head space.
Hi, don’t buy one, I’ve got a gf which I love but the fermenters have plastic bases and absolutely rubbish taps, SS brew tech brew buckets are a bit more but fantastic