My Weissbier recipe

Some of you asked for it and I also though it was time to add a recipe to my recipe collection on-line:



Maturation for 7-10 weeks?!

Did you taste it all along the way to come to that maturation time? I’ve gone 6-8 weeks in primary before due to a lack of time but never on purpose.  ;)

thx for passing the recipe along.  one of my favorite styles although haven’t brewed it for awhile–perhaps I have to try again soon.  As another poster asks, I’m interested in your use of a long conditioning time + krausening for carbonation.  Why does this work better than short conditioning time.

presumably the 7 wk conditioning drops out the original yeast and maybe some haze proteins–is the krausening step adding these back?

Maybe this is a typo and he meant 7 days. I’m drinking my Helles within 7 weeks!! :wink:

Yes, it’s a typo and thanks for pointing it out. I just corrected it. I wouldn’t leave that beer on that much yeas for that long.


I figured it was a typo.  I wanted to bring attention to it to show that even Kaiser can make mistakes.:wink:

I bet his keyboard is screwed up  ;D

Just bottled my first attempt at a hefeweizen yesterday.  The wife walked into the “brewery” and asked “why does it smell like bananas in here?” so I guess I must have done something right :slight_smile:

When I visited the old Maisel’s Brewery in Bayreuth Germany it still smelled like banana in the fermentation cellar even though they had not been brewing there for at least 10 years.


That’s pretty amazing!

i’m suprised at the use of caramunich in your recipe, kai.  I figured you’d despise any crystal malts in a hefeweizen.  I stand corrected  ;D

that picture is a beaut!

Try making that sometime with some cultured Kellerweis yeast - or maybe I will!