I’m making a mild with oatmeal right now and I was asking about using corn which lead to a discussion about using popcorn so now I’m wondering if Rice Krispies cereal would work in a light lager? I tried a search but got nothing for puffed rice or Rice Krispies.
Anyone ever tried it? Any thoughts? It’s obviously cooked already so it shouldn’t need to be gelatinized and it’s fortified with 100% of your daily dose of riboflavin and is part of a delicious breakfast so it should have some nutrients that the yeast could use.
Just curious if anyone’s given it a whirl.
It should work, but be sure to check how much sodium is in it. At one of the Iron Brewer contests I run for our club, the secret ingredient was breakfast cereal. One team got cocoa puffs, one got Lucky Charms, one got fruit loops, and one got cinnamon nut Cheerios. I barely escaped with my life that day!
I bet if you go to the healthfood section of your local mega mart you can find a mostly plain puffed rice cerial that would alleviate some of the concerns with additives.
And for a darker beer, use Cocoa Krispies instead. Hmmm, wonder what’s the SRM on those.
Drink it with juice, taost and milk, and you’ere good to go. ;D
What no bacon?
The comercials never mention bacon. Juice, taost, and milk only. That, my friend, is why I never eat cereal. (besides the occasional box of Cookie Crisp, with a half gallon of chocolate milk. Yes, in one sitting.)
I’m partial to peanut butter Cap’n Crunch. Give me some whole milk and I’ll eat the whole box.
Careful, Weaze, or you’ll have to buy bigger kilts!
It’s something I do only once or twice a year, when the mood hits me.
A guy in our club made a Captain Crunch ale. It was tasty!
Or his Lucky Charms Stout for St. Patrick’s Day, didn’t taste that.
Of course, he did a popcorn beer years ago. Just saying.
One year MoreBeer’s forum contest had a cereal theme too.
Ah, Capn Crunch. Loved the stuff but it was like eating glass at first. I could see it lending an interesting note to a brown ale.
Popcorn will work if you want to go that route. Some brew buds and I made a malt liquor with a pound of fresh popped popcorn in the mash tun. Lots of volume to start with, but once you get it wet it pretty much disappears. It did add a nice popcorn flavor to the young beer. The popcorn has pretty much dropped out.
Basic puffed rice cereal is nothing more than torrefied rice, so it’s a fine, if expensive brewing adjunct. Rice Krispies adds sugar and salt, which you might not be expecting/want in your beer, though. Some of the vitamins and minerals listed are necessary for yeast health. I believe that the rest of them are harmless to yeast.
As others have said, you might want to go with organic/sugar-free puffed rice cereal to avoid the added sugar. The rice will give you sufficient adjuncts.