Weyermann Abbey Malt

Anybody ever use this stuff ?  I’m planning a Dubbel soon (somewhere ~ 1.068 -1.070 OG), and just planning out the grist. It says on NB that it’s basically a 16-17L Belgian honey malt, high in residual sweetness. Obviously if it’s anything like standard honey malt, a little goes a long way. I was leaning toward using 2 -3% of the abbey malt in the grist. Any advice is appreciated. BTW the grist would be :
                                            40% Belgian Pils
                                            30% Munich
                                            20% Dark Candi Syrup
                                            8% Aromatic
                                            2% Abbey Malt

WY 3787 or 1762 (undecided)

I’ve used it twice. The first time, I used it in a Belgain IPA and I used a lot by accident (30%). I thought it was a pale malt…so it turned out sweet and red, but since it was a Belgian IPA it was balanced some with the hops. My friends thought it was one of the best beers that I’ve ever made. Some accidents can turn out great like the discovery of penicilin. I think at 2-5% you should be fine.

:)    Also accidental - teflon, fireworks, hell, beer !  Thanks.

I brewed 20 gallons of beer using only weyermann’s abbey malt. Got around 76% efficiency. Varied attenuation results as I used a few different yeast strains. Really intense munich-style malt character. Somewhere between Weyermann Munich II and Aromatic. I can see how it’d be considered sweet but I didn’t get much sweetness.

Wow, the whole grist.  So it didn’t seem cloying then?

Not at all. I don’t think it resembles honey malt. It’s rich but not sweet

Good info.  Thanks.