Dortmunder Export and All Centennial IPA moving to kegs for aging. Nothing brewing until next week. May do some bottling this weekend to free up space in the serving fridge.
Brewing my first home-smoked brew. I took Drew’s recipe for “my smoked dark heart”, tweaked it a bit, made it an ale, and smoked 4 # of some Colorado Pale malt over cherrywood. Brewing it Friday!
No brewing this weekend. I had to push last weekend’s brew to next weekend and take two weeks off to recover from a pulled muscle in my back from SHOVELING SNOW in Maryland!
Darkness Imperial Black Ale.
Formerly know as a Black IPA but majorvices abused me enough that I thought of that for a name, maybe Gordon will run with it when they re-do the BJCP…maybe Smoked Beers will get a category alone too
No brewing today. But, I am going to bottle my last brew. Funky Monkey. A bitter turned IPA. Why I am bottling when I have empty kegs is beyond me. Gotta get back to my roots I guess. :
We were not going to brew this weekend given the fact that we have brewed 8 batches in the last 6 weeks, but looking at our schedule we decided to squeeze in 2 more batches today. My wife is brewing a Blonde Ale that we are using as a starter beer for a Pacman pitch and I am doing the Green Flash West Coast IPA recipe from the Can You Brew It show.