What's Brewing This Weekend - 3/11 Edition

As I lay here on my couch sandwiched by dogs, trapped in the house by a tree cutting crew from the city - I need to know, what are you going to brew?

Looks like an simple American Pale Ale is up for this weekend

Where are the cats, watching the crew from the windows?

The cats are above that sort of pedestrian behavior these days. They’re lounging in the back yard windows trying to figure out if they have the energy to go after the birds. :slight_smile:

No brewing this weekend…still working on a utility sink for the brewery. Also adjusting carbonation level on several brews that I entered in the NHC. I need to bottle and send off my entries soon.

Going to keg my SMaSH beer and hopefully brew up a Berliner.

Kegging the Düsseldorf Alt brewed 3 weeks ago & brewing a Pale Ale.  Cheers!!!

Attempting an Imperial Pilsner. The last attempt wasn’t so hot.

I’m hoping to get some kegging done.  Other than that, I’m scheduled to take the mead exam and my club’s big event (where we announce the winners of last weekend’s judging) is Saturday.


Not much spare time this weekend. I may try to squeeze in an APA Sunday or Monday night if I have the energy left to stay up until 1am. I’ll bet I find a way…  :wink:

I am thinking about an Oatmeal Stout to pitch on top of the yeast cake from the Irish Red I will be kegging Saturday.

I should be cleaning house, but… Nah! Brewing wins!

I think I said in the other thread I was going to brew an Amber ale.  Wouldn’t mind getting a good Amber recipe down.

I’m with you there.  Have taken several cracks at an Amber and, while good, none have totally thrilled me.

A pale ale, just haven’t decided which side of the Atlantic will influence the style.

Racking a Marzen to secondary for lagering, brewing a Bopils on Sunday.

Brewing up a Green Flash West Coast IPA this weekend. However, I’ll be taking a back seat while my friend takes the helm. He’s came in with the assist several times for me. Now, Its time for me to turn over my rig and help him make his first beer! Stoked!

Brewing up an Am. Barleywine, if my hops get here by Saturday and bottling up entries for the NHC.

I have the weekend to myself and will brew at least once (and clean bottles).

I promised myself last year I’d brew a Christmas barleywine by March rather than waiting til September and realizing once again it was too late. Still haven’t picked out the recipe, though Gordon Strong’s recent article in Zymurgy had several that looked good. I should buy my stuff by tonight if I’m making a starter.

Just brewed a fairly big baltic porter last night… however it didn’t get lager yeast and cool temps… instead it got a slurry of 5 different strains of brettanomyces and is sitting nicely at 70F.  Want to see what the brett is capable of in terms of alcohol and what it does with some restrained roast.

These days, all you see are Amber lagers.  I’m going to brew an Oatmeal Amber ale.  I brewed one a while back and while it was good, it was under carbonated (this was before I kegged).  So I think I’m going to give it a try again. 
Last night I bought a six pack of Boulevard’s Amber Ale for inspiration and I was underwhelmed.  Too plain tasting.  I don’t want it to be hoppy, because it then essentially becomes a pale ale, and that’s not what I’m after.  I want something malty and full bodied.
I didn’t even think of Breckenridge’s Avalanche ale…should’ve gotten that.