What's Brewing This Weekend - 3/19 Edition

Break it out and tell it true - this weekend is going to be a hoppy saison.

Spring is here

Nice clear weather and cool nights = a bucket of wort left to its own devices on the back porch Saturday night then into a carboy to see what the Beer Gods hath wrought upon me
Maybe it turns out to be a Lambic
Maybe it turns out to be snail food

That and possibly another Pils, my wife is crushing the one on draught lately… ;D

Well it’s definitely spring here.

It’s suppose to be in the low 70’s this weekend and a great weekend to brew…not that any time is a bad time to brew.

But I am certainly looking forward to brewing a RIS on Sunday.

Nuthin’ brewin’ here.  Just working around the house.  Waiting to get home to check on last weekends hefeweizen that is hopefully percolating away in my basement.

I’m thinking of doing something extract- maybe a quick Amber with Magnum @ 45 and 30 IBU. A couple hours and its done.

big brew day at my house:

I’m brewing 12g of Citra-Simcoe Pale and my buddy’s brewing 12g of Oatmeal Stout, which we’ll swap a keg each of, then after my pale is in the fermentor, 12g of house IPA for the festivities portion of my club’s competition.

very excited - lots of beer will be flowing once we get to the end of the IPA as well.

Blatz, I’m jealous!  I’m not brewing this weekend. Just packaging a few up for the NHC.

nice - I need to try my hand at the NHC one of these days - do you have to prequalify at another event like MCAB or is it open to any and all?  Good luck!

Something with the pound of Citra I just got today.

No prerequisites.  Just input your entries here.  http://www.brewingcompetition.com/NHC/nhc.php

Nothing this weekend.  Just going to bottle up some APA.

I’ve got a few days off next week. I’m brewing a wit and something hoppy with 1272 – made my starters tonight, so I’ve got time to figure it out. I love having ingredients in bulk 8)

so another buddy just called - he’s coming over to brew 12gal of witbier as well.  that brings the total up to 40gal for saturday - definitely a record at my house!

I’ll be xferring a blonde doppelbock for lagering.

The hefeweizen is fermenting away great.  Nice, subdued banana aroma, should be drinking it in a couple of weeks.  Thinking about sending a bottle Denny’s way. :wink:

I definitely want to try some of that Jim.

It was 60 degrees all week, and now we have a foot of snow!  I’ve been making stouts and porters all winter, time for a lighter offering.  I’m basing my beer off of Charlie P’s “Bohemian Thriller”, except with some bicuit malt, and it’s going to be an ale (Pac-man ale yeast).  Should be a good lawn-mower beer (except I don’t drink while mowing the lawn…).

Then it will be a delicious reward when you’re done.

I’m going to wait a while on the natural Lambic.
Need some trees to start blooming around here first.

A nice sessionable Pale Ale instead

Oh how I love those session beers!