What's Brewing This Weekend - 4/13 Edition

It’s raining here in LA, which means it must be time for me to brew!

And for you?

I’m brewing 11 gallons of my House IPA on Saturday.  It’s supposed to 71F and sunny…looking forward to a beautiful brewday.  :slight_smile:

No brewing, probably keg up the rye stout I have in my rum barrel. And I need to start planning a rebrew of my scottish 60/- for a club only comp. Also eagerly awaiting results from World Cup of Beer.

My house ESB Saturday. Supposed to be 67 and sunny here, also looking forward to a beautiful brewday!

Brewing a Bavarian Hefe

Brewing 10 gallons of Wood-Aged Strong Scotch Ale that we hope to serve at NHC in June.  Planning to add pressure-cooked, medium-toast oak chips to the finished beer.

Staring at two empty fermenters right now, but I don’t think I’ll get a chance to brew for the next week or two. This weekend’s goal is to plant my potatoes.

To hell with yard work.

I’m brewing my quadruple this Saturday.  And maybe something else, too.

But I’ve been saying that for weeks.

Brewing a “kitchen sink” stout to clean out my ingredients before moving across country.  Hoping to make up for a carbonation snafu with my last oatmeal stout - let’s just say the spoon for mixing in the sugar never touched the beer  :frowning:

No brewing this weekend…I’m helping run a BJCP tasting exam on Saturday and painting on Sunday :frowning:

Hoping to get an IPA in this weekend.  Need to finish preparing the garden as well, but did most of that over Easter weekend.  Wife will be plant shopping for the flower beds and perhaps some early garden stuff.  I may be digging holes. :o

I’m starting a four-day weekend today 8).  I’ll be brewing hefeweizen today and my House IPA on Saturday.  Sometime in between, I’ll be bottling IPA and amber for my brother’s wedding.  Then I start a new job on Monday.

I think I’m going to brew an Arrogant Bastard clone, maybe Saturday.  Which I usually brew on Sundays, but this weekend is different…
And I’m out of homebrew, which is depressing.  My last 2 kegs went super fast; much faster than I anticipated, so it’s time to pick up the slack.  I’ll be brewing a couple times in the next week or so.

No brewing; more keg cleaning, racking the BVIP onto the vanilla tincture I made last weekend and checking on the Maibock.  Probably get a Kolsch going next week.

I’m trying to replicate Breckenridge’s 471 DIPA this weekend.

I might try to make an American Wheat on Sunday.  It depends on how the Iowa State Small Group/Solo Vocal and Instrumental Contest goes on Saturday.  My wife and I got tagged to run it again this year at our kids high school site.  I may not have any energy left.  Coordinating 210 volunteers, setup and cleanup makes for a really long day.


I’m brewing an Abby Dubbel on Sunday with this recipe:  Site Not Found

Trying to decide between an American Brown, or an ESB. I’d better decide soon so I can get a starter going.

I’m on my 13th day of 14 hours a day.  No brewing for at least a couple more weeks.

Barley Wine!