I think it’s time to get my Saison on.
Kegging up the latest rendition of my APA and brewing JZ’s “To George” Bo Pils recipe.
Flanders brown (kind of) tonight. 100% brett fermented. Might add some Jolly Pumpkin dregs down the road to kick up the sourness if the brett doesn’t cut it.
Going to try my very first mead sometime this week too. I’ve got a bunch of raw honey from my grandparents farm and 12lbs of blackberries, marionberries, and blueberries in the freezer. Been doing lots-o-reading up on the process.
Trying to source oat malt locally, but it looks like I’ll have to order online, so my oat malt porter will wait until I’ve got that I suppose.
The wife is out of town for 2 weeks, so it’s brew central at my place.
Nothing brewing this weekend. I’ll keg the ESB and one of these weekends I should probably bottle the barleywine that I brewed when my son was born. He just turned 9 months old so I guess it’s about time to get it into bottles.
Other than that just watching the airlock bubble on the CAP and quality control sampling.
10 gallons of BoPils tomorrow or Friday. Still trying to decide on a decoction schedule…
I’ll be cleaning and possibly kegging this weekend, I’ve got 20 gallons ready for packaging. Or if it’s a stag weekend I’ll be brewing 5 gallons of hefe, and maybe 5 gallons of Flanders, but that is more likely to be next weekend.
I’ll be judging the BrewFest Homebrew Competition on Saturday. I’ll also continue to work on the vegetable garden Sunday.
No brewing this weekend.
Hogtown Brewoff on Gainesville this weekend. Anyone else going? Martin?
Kegging and bottling the first 10 gallons of AG! Very anxious to try it!
Stringing up lines for the hops… slow start here in the NW this year.
No brewing
Kegging double decocted hefeweizen. Brewing double decocted helles.
I have a feeling my next brew will involve a very straightforward single-infusion mash!
no brewing. will determine if my mojito mead is ready for bottling or if it needs another week of dry-minting.
I’m tossing around the idea of either an Alt or an IPA. Hmmm… I’ve got a pound each of Centennial and EKG’s that I haven’t opened yet.
No Brewing here either. I’ll probably be sniffing the airlock on my Oktoberfest and hopefully cleaning out the brew shed. Geez, what a disaster!
No brewing this weekend, but I will make a starter for my Saison which will be next weekend, hopefully. :) Tapped my “Brew for the Cure”, a raspberry wit, nice pink tint, crisp and tart.
Taking the weekend off for recovery purposes. Plus I’ve got 3 kegs on tap, 5 in waiting, and 2 batches fermenting. I’m set for a bit.
Bottling my lemongrass-rye cream ale and hopefully brewing the Nutty Man southern english brown from Brewing Classic Styles as part of my brew-through of that book.
I finally have a weekend to brew again. So… I’m making a Oktoberfest and an Amber this weekend. I know I’m late on the O-fest but I didn’t have any other choice.
I also need to clean 6 kegs and try to finish my new grain mill cart. My wife an one daughter will be out of town. another daughter is buried in school projects and my oldest daughter and my son can drive themselves around so I might actually get some this done.
I don’t think I’ll get any fishing done though.
Brewing my tweaked Ranger inspired IPA tomorrow. Probably scrubbing bottles, too. Which is still better than scraping and painting the basement.
Going to attempt a Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale clone. Can’t get DFH out here on the Left Coast, figured I would try to get a facsimile.
No brewing this weekend. I have to keg an IPA and then dry hop the American Brown Ale I brewed last weekend. Oh yeah…and some sampling, fo sho!