Ok, so what’s it going to be? Are you brewing or is it end times enough for you to decide to abandon all future projects and just enjoy what you have on tap?
For me, I’m about to kick off a Saison brew for the conference and in my usual fashion - 1 wort, 2 beers!
This will be the third straight night of brewing, but tonight I’m brewing a batch with the crew at Breckenridge Brewery! ;D
Won a drawing after judging Denver NHC.
I’m done brewing for a bit. I have about 90 gallons of beer in the basement, so I think I’m good for a while (probably about 2 weeks). Plus there’s family in town for college graduation (sis-in-law) so gotta do that stuff.
Our local Rogue has started a program for our club to brew there and have a tap handle. If we can come up with Mt. Hood hops, I’ll be brewing Rye IPA there this Sat.
Well, my wife is about —> <— this close to going into labor, so this weekend is dedicated to a million last-minute projects around the house… or just sitting at the hospital with the newest addition to the family. We’ll see. I’m picking Monday in the office pool.
I’m brewing a Bohemian Pils for the Pilsner Urquell promotion/competition. The beer has to be ready by beginning of August. Procrastinate much? I may have to use beechwood aging to move it along. ;) I may not even do a decoction. And I’m not even using PU yeast, just WY2308 cuz that’s what I have.
Yeah, that’ll make a good Boh Pils…for me to poop on.
Triumph, the insult comic dog
Wife is out of town, and being that I killed a keg of SNCA in about 25 days, I better get some APA going before the next keg of SNCA is gone and that tap is empty.
Going old school - 2-row, Victory and C45, Columbus bittering, Cascade/Centennial mix for flavor and flameout, 001 yeast.
While that’s going, kegging Vienna.
Hey Denny - don’t you live near Freshops? They had Mt Hood last time I checked I think - or maybe you need bales?
Judging the BUZZ Off Competition at Iron Hill Brewery, West Chester, PA on Saturday. Then going to the Madbrewers Competition Awards Ceremony at Dogfish Head Brewpub in Rehoboth, DE on Sunday. Unfortunately too busy to brew this weekend.
No brewing. Just enjoying the first batch and trying to figure out when to have friends over to try it. I don’t drink all that much, so it’ll take a long time if I try to go through the two cases by myself!
Just kegging and dry hopping my “Mom’s Little Imperial Helper”, an imperial IPA made at my wife’s request. It seems the kids are driving her crazy enough that she wants a 1 pint and I’m feeling MUCH better beer on tap!
Well, the brewer at our local Rogue drove over to the brewery in Newport to pick up some Mt. Hood, so it looks like I’ll be brewing a batch of Rye IPA at the Rogue here. If you’re in the Eugene area, it should be on tap in a few weeks.
I might be brewing a saison on Sunday, but I might be going surfing instead (although I got so horribly sunburned at last weekend’s banjo festival that staying inside and brewing might be the better idea - the skin on my face is peeling off).
I also have a batch of ginseng American amber to keg, and I’ll probably tap the keg of Oktoberfest as we are having friends over for dinner tomorrow night. Its only been lagering for 3 weeks, but I don’t have anything else that’s even close to ready.