Captain’s log - Stardate 11007.16 - Plans for the interstellar fermentation experiments have been compromised by Starfleet’s Home Admiral countermanding the Captain’s orders. Away team sent to reconnoiter and restore the free standing transportation and observation outpost to Home Office’s standards and living protocols. Away team’s current mission is to scout local professional fermentation establishments and may delay experimentation furthers. Captain out.
I loved it so much, I’m brewing the Widmer W10 recipe from BYO once again this weekend. I do add oak chips to the fermenter though.
I completely understand your dilemma. Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. Shaka, when the walls fell. The beast at Tanagra!
You know… you just outgeeked me when I had to go search the whole tamarian language thing. Of course, it’s sad that I remembered that you were talking a Star Trek metaphor language. NERD!
and I thought I was a Star Trek Geek
I have resigned my commission
Hoping to crank out Ryan’s ruination clone on Sunday. I sat through miserable rush hour LA traffic to make it to the LHBS after work this afternoon…
How miserable of course depends upon which one you went to and from where. I can, with an understanding boss, make it to HWBC in about 1.5 hours round trip with shopping and a stop at Dan’s Super Subs to pick up the lunch sandwich.
That’s sad…
Sitting in California traffic…
For an hour and a half…
Nearly every day of your life…
In most cities in Florida, one can leave the house and take the kids to school and get to work in less than 15 minutes.
And still live within 3-5 miles of the ocean.
Having said that… I much prefer the hills and forests and breweries of the West Coast over the ocean. Everything has it’s price.
Peace! Our best friends live on the west coast, and we LOVE to visit.
Being a Florida boy, all I can say is I don’t miss the humidity. It’ll be 100F here tomorrow (hottest by far of the year) and I’ll be much better off even though I don’t have A/C
Brewing an IPA for a good friends bachelor party, mostly for him and I to drink. In a couple weeks I’ll brew the pale mild for the rest of 'em.
Brewing up a CAP on Saturday night. Tasted a commercial example of the style at a recent brewfest and wasn’t crazy about it so I’m curious what this experiment will taste like.
Being in the middle of nowhere basically forces me to use online ordering. No traffic jams, 1 to 2 day ground service for supplies, pretty much guaranteed to get what I need without an “Out of Stock” surprise. Yeah . . I think I’ll do just fine, thank you!
After 3 big beers in a row, gonna do a honey kölsch tomorrow.
was hoping to brew my oktoberfest this weekend, but as of Wed, my pils was still chugging away and about 3-4 points away from my normal FG, so I’m gonna have to put it off till next weekend.
I going to brew an Oktoberfest Ale ( picked up the kit from Brewmasterwarehouse off their recipe database…a recipe by Bee Cave Brewery - homebrewer I’ve seen on other forums )
Saison this weekend. Gonna do an overnight mash for the first time and also ferment soley with Brett C. Starter is looking good. Thought about doing 10 gallons and using WY3711 on the other five to later rack onto some homegrown peaches, but the thought of cooling 10 gallons of wort in 100º temps turned me off to that idea.
Once again for m, no brewing this weekend. Next weekend for sure!
Re: traffic…I got caught in Eugene’s rush hour traffic jam yesterday for nearly 3 minutes!
I am planning on a 10gal California Common and splitting it into two fermentors. One with cranberry in secondary and other standard. I have never used a lager yeast with fruit. Any suggestions/comments to look out for?
I’m not sure what I’ll brew. Maybe Mocktoberfest? Maybe a Belgian?
we are brewing an experimental witches brew tomorrow night using up all of our leftover grains, hops and an american ale yeast we pulled from our vanilla cream ale. its going to be interesting!
Bottling a saison brewed the Wyeast French Saison yeast. That strain sure does attenuate like crazy.