What's Brewing this Weekend?

Munich Dunkel for me.  Had blowoff in step 2 of my starter on Wednesday, so I’d say the WL833 are as excited as I am for this one.  I’ve got fest and vienna down, this is the year to tackle dunkel and schwartz.

Vienna Lager yesterday. Pale Ale last night. My next will be a Maibock

I am using up some leftover ingredients to make an old ale that I am going to bulk age into next year and then use in a blending project.

Ordinary bitter this weekend.

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Kolsch- a gift for one of my employees.

gonna brew an IPA on Sunday morning instead of sleeping in on my birthday (crazy homebrewers). I think maybe only my third IPA, maybe 4th in 7+ years.

Then Monday I’m going down to SF to brew a 15 bbl batch of my sour farmhouse with cherries at Thirsty Bear.

Happy Early Birthday…hope you day goes well.  Someone should do all your cleaning as a present.

So I assume you sourced your cherries ok then, Mort ?  Very,very cool to get to brew that at a brewpub.

I’ve got a starter going for the Wee Shroomy, but it will probably be a week or so before I brew it.

I have a lead on the cherries. was not able to find organic but we do what we can. We will see what the guy who has to pay for them says. Shipping from Michigan is gonna be pricey

Brewing a batch inspired by Burnside’s Sweet Heat; wheat ale with apricot puree and scotch bonnet peppers

American Brown, OG 1062  ~60 IBU, WY1450.

Nothing this week.  I hoping to do a double batch of lambic next weekend, weather and authorities permitting.  I will be kegging a black ale and a Baltic porter regardless in a week or two.

Just bottling and kegging before kickoff on Sunday. Tomorrow I need to do something nice for the lady to show my thanks for 21 Sundays, 2 Saturdays, and hand full of Mondays watching football.

Next weekend I will be watching the pro-bowl.  ;D  Ha ha, couldn’t get that out without laughing. Barely wine + something with the second runnings is next on the list.

West Coast IPA
1.071 OG  ~7.3% ABV  ~100 IBUs  Wyeast West Coast IPA 1217-PC
Simcoe, columbus, cascade, amarillo, centennial

FTW !  Sounds great.

CAP with Sterling and Cluster, WLP 833.

A Belgian Dubbel on Sunday or Monday.

Waiting on 3 batches…BUT drinking this! Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Alright flbrewer. I think I’ve got it.

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