wheat Wahtsit

I am confused on the difference between torrified wheat and malted wheat?

Also, what differences can you expect between red wheat and say white wheat?


torrified is heat treated-faster conversion higher yield over raw wheat.

ive used red. compared to white its somewhat smaller and harder, and a stronger or more intense wheat kernel.

they all taste different to me.

edit: some experience less difficulties sparging using torrified or red, vs. white wheat. regardless, non have husks. if you mill yourself, I’ve had to change mill gap for wheat to get a better crush-smaller harder kernels especially. I haven’t had any issue with stuck sparge and wheat, and have used up to 60% of white wheat without any rice hulls. just depends on your system and what it can handle.

malted wheat is sprouted and allowed to germinate before being dried to halt the process. just like barley malt it contains active enzymes to convert starch to sugar. Torrified wheat is puffed wheat, it is heated to a high temp under pressure which is then released suddenly to poof the grain. the starch is gelatinized so it is more readily available to the enzymes in your base malt. This is similar to flaked wheat but torrified wheat is more thoroughly cooked so it has less raw wheat flavor.

Red wheat vs. white wheat is a variety thing. torrified, flaked, or malted wheat could be either. I believe red wheat has higher protein content.

BTW, what you thinking of making with wheat?

Gumballhead  is made with red wheat. Unfortunately neither of the two can be obtained in Europe.  :cry:

durham semolina is also made with red wheat and I’m pretty sure that’s available in europe.

You mean durum wheat, used for making dry pasta? Is not (necessarily?) red wheat.

right you are. my bad. for what it’s worth I don’t see a huge difference in flavor.

Wondering about kamut flakes as sub for traditional flaked wheat. Might be interesting sub.

Wondering about kamut flakes as sub for traditional flaked wheat. Might be interesting sub.

It is!

I was shopping at
The organic store and saw them so grabbed a pound- going to try it.

Thanks fellas; I did a search this morning and basically found all my answers…der, I forget this forum now has a pretty good body of knowledge going :wink:

I don’t brew many wheat beers…I mainly use wheat for mouthfeel/body…although wort.hog brewing all that dunkelweizen has me thinking back to my adolescence with Opa.  I might try one again. :smiley:

I was looking at the red wheat available here locally from the Colorado Malting Company.

I guess at small quantities one might not notice the taste difference between red and white wheat?

I’m sure if one really paid attention and had a good enough palate one would taste a difference. I have not noticed the difference.

I have not noticed a difference in flavor between red or white wheat, but I have experienced more positive head retention with red wheat than with white.  Mostly due to a higher protein content in the red wheat presumably.

Jeff Renner used to expound on wheat back in the day on the HBD. As a baker he should know!

Hope that helps the wheat whatsit.