So, here is my situation. I have 8 gallons of robust porter sitting in my fermentation fridge at ~62 It’s the Whit labs german ale (wlp029?). It’s been there 2 weeks, probably pretty much done, haven’t taken a reading cause I don’t have a free keg to accept it all anyway. tomorrow I am going to brew a saison, just a little 1.038 sort of table saison for the hot weather. WLP 565 is the yeast. I could ferment the saison out side the fridge, except it is running about 100-105 here right now and, while saison like high temps I suspect that’s a little extreme.
So will it finish at 62? or will it stall? I could probably safely bump the temp in the fridge up to 64 or even 68 without doing to much to the porter at this point right?
Agreed. It should be safe to bump up the porter since it’s well past the “vigorous” phase of fermentation. That’s where the temp control is the most important.
I suggest taking a gravity reading to be certain it is finished, then you could cold crash and keg it when a keg becomes available. If it’s not finished, then I would raise it up to 70 degrees for a few days to finish.
you are fine running the saison in the high 60’s, low 70’s and letting the kolsch sit along for the ride for a week or two. not going to hurt the kolsch any.