Your favorite Hops that are rarely mentioned...

There are plenty of hops that have good qualities, but are rarely talked about or seen in homebrew recipes.  This thread is for them.  Amarillo, Centennial, Columbus, Cascade, Chinook, Citra, Simcoe, Noble hops, East Kent Goldings, Magnum, Willamette and their ilk don’t belong in this thread.

Give us a few less popular hops you like to use and tell us why you like them.  Describe them.  I’ll give mine later.

I really like Horizon.  Bittering properties similar to Magnum, but with better aroma.

I’d add Brewer’s Gold, Cluster, and Nugget as underrated/under used.

EDIT - Ahtanum in a blend, and Falconer’s Flight are good too. Galena is excellent as a bittering hop, especially for dark beers.

I feel sad. I can’t talk about EKG, Magnum, Cascade,  or Centennial

I like Nugget too.  It’s a hop I was going to mention.  They are really cheap.  You can get a pound for $9.  They are nice to mix with the C hops in an IPA for a resinous hoppy aroma that can never be mistaken for onions or cat pee.  I don’t get any fruit or citrus from them.  Just potent herbaceous hoppiness.  Good for bittering too.

I’m also a pretty big fan of nugget. I love bittering my stouts with them. I pretty much exclusively brew american and specialty stouts. Usually use bitter with nugget and finish a bit with Willamette.

HoosierBrew slipped in Ahtanum with the edit.  That’s another I was going to mention.  Never used it alone, but every time I’ve used it, I said “whoa, that’s a damn good beer”.  I think it’s bright orange with a bit of spice and floral?  The beer I’m brewing tomorrow is going to have Ahtanum and Galaxy.

That sounds good. Let us know how it comes out - never used Ahtanum with Galaxy. I agree with the orange/ floral thing, and sometimes it’s a little orange/lemon to me along with the other attributes.

I like to use Styrian Goldings and Tettnang when brewing Belgian styles. Two of my favs.
I also really like Belma for bittering. Very smooth, with no harshness.

Bullion, Cluster, Crystal.

Serebrianka, Perle, Santiam, Celeia. All very nice and versatile.

+1 to Brewer’s Gold and Cluster.

+2 regarding Brewers Gold! Very nice hop with fruity black currant notes.

Caliente - A new hop, but still pretty hard to come by. I get a really distinct red plum-type stonefruit nose to them that is unique and delicious. Has some earthiness in the flavor that also lends itself to sneaking into English brews.

Meridian - Another new hop, and seems to be getting a bit more popular. I get stonefruit from this, but it’s on the sweet side, like apricot/pluot/nectarine. It’s a bit sweet, but not the straight-up candy/melon you get from a lot of the other new hops like El Dorado. It also has a bit of dank & pine on the palate.

I like these two hops because they’re fruity and fairly oily, but they don’t taste just like Cascade/Amarillo/Centennial/etc. They’re also not particularly monotone like a lot of the other new hops seem to be. I won’t lose any sleep if hop varieties like El Dorado and Belma don’t catch on and disappear. These two are ones I really hope stick around.

I also want to give a shout out to Challenger. It’s an overlooked UK hop, IMO. It has that typical earthy UK hop character, but it also has a nice creamy, white chocolate thing that pairs really well with dark English crystal malt, and also with the anise note that I get from EKG’s.

I like galena for bittering. Its got a clean bitterness that plays well with flavoring and aroma hops. I grow it as well as cascade and the two work well together in pale ales and IPA’s. I also like it in stouts. Its a cross between brewers gold and an open pollination.

I’m dry hopping a black IPA today with Galaxy and Wakatau. I haven’t used them in my own brewing yet, but really like their Lemon/lime, fruity, juicy fruit gum  aroma they add to beers I have tasted that use them in dry hopping. I’ll let you know how it turns out .

I was going to say Nugget. But was beat to it. I especially like nugget in dark ales. I did not care for the Ahtanum when I tried it a few years ago. It was sold to me as a Amarillo sub and it was not. I guess I should give it another shake.

Crystal is one of my very favorite hops. Reminds me favorably of a noble Hallertauer type. French strisslspalt is another one I enjoy very well.

Aurora was excellent when you could find it. Maybe it is still available somewhere but I can’t find it. Kind of a fruity version of Styrian Goldings.

So many of these hops that I used to use all the time that I have fallen out of the habit of using. Need to go back in and try many of them again.

I used Wakatu in my last white wheat beer. It is the most refreshing wheat beer I have ever brewed. I ordered another half a pound of them so I can keep some of this beer around all summer.

I’ll toss in another vote for Nugget.

I am enjoying using the Belma I have in various ways. I bought a couple pounds when they first came out and I’m still going through the first pound. It’s very smooth bittering and it’s a nice fruit/grassy note mixed into saisons. It’s a very mellow flavor on its own but I think it does a good job of rounding out a blend of hops. I make a tasty black IPA with Belma, Chinook and Cascade.

Aramis is another hop I am learning to love. It’s noble-like plus lemon and spice.

Lots of the older American varieties are underappreciated and overlooked, like Perle and Mount Hood.

Brewers Gold, Cluster, and Bullion are still my favorite ‘old school-go to’ hops.  I use these more than any other varieties.  Nugget and Colimbus are also ones I try to keep a supply of.

I guess I just don’t like the overly citrus or ‘tropical’ flavors found in so many of the newer varieties, or if I do use them, I use them for blends, in  small quantities.

More hops mentioned that I planed to mention:

Wakatu - I think I’ve tried most of the NZ hops and Wakatu is my favorite NZ hop.  It’s lime + Hallertau Hersbrucker with a higher AA.  The flavor and aroma it provides has worked well for me in wheats and various Belgians.  It’s a bit expensive, but Farmhouse has 2013 Wakatu on sale for $1 an ounce right now.

Crystal - it’s a mild hop with cinnamon, black pepper and mild floral.  I never regret using it.  It blends well with most hops.  I like to use it in saisons as a single hop or primary hop, but wouldn’t hesitate to toss it in almost anything as a complimentary hop.