What's brewing this weekend 1/29

Thought it was a good time to plan for the weekend. If my timing is right I will be brewing an ESB on Sunday.

Cascade/Centennial APA.

10 Gallons of Milk Stout!  5 Gallons will get the “Cold-Toddie” coffee treatment, the other 5 won’t!

Odell Isolation Ale clone!

no brewing this weekend - Jupiter Beer Festival on Saturday - I think over 50 breweries will be in attendance - my club will have a booth as well, we’ll be serving 20 gal each of Smoked Porter, IPA and ESB - all my recipes (though not brewed on my system) - should be cool.

Next week, Vienna…

No brewing for me this weekend.  Bottling the stout I brewed two weeks ago.

bottling the honey wheat i made last weekend, maybe fermenting a bunch of wine so the wife can having something to ferment and drink too.

Still trying to decide if I should brew or not, thinking about Denny’s Old Stoner though if I do…

Thinking I’m going to try my first Alt.  Kicking of the WY1007 starter now.



Doing 3 gallons of “starter pilsner” on Monday. It’s the first time brewing two weeks in a row, ever. This having a mill at home thing could get dangerous…

80 /-  based on Fred Bonjour’s recipe ( http://beerdujour.com/Recipes/ProposAle.htm )

No Brewing this weekend but i do plan on the weekend of Feb 6-7th to brew an Irish red ale and something light that i can color green.  gotta get the stocks ready for St. Patricks day.

Continuing the winter lager series with Dortmunder Export.

I brewed the last 3 weekends, so no brewing this weekend.  This weekend is kegging, bottling and cleaning.

I am brewing RauchBier this Sunday.

No brewing this weekend.  Gearing up for a 10 gal. Old Stoner brew/12 gal. partigyle next weekend.

Denny, what do you get out of the second gyle of the Old Stoner grain bill?  I mean OG wise and what sort of hop schedule do you run for the second?

Usually we get around 12 gal. of mid 60ish wort.  We look through the grain supply as we crush the grians for Old Stoner and pick out some interesting looking stuff to cap the mash with.  Then, after we get the 2nd running wort in the kettle and get an SG reading on it so we know how much hops to use, we raid my hop freezer and grab whatever looks good at the moment.  About the only time I do “seat of the pants” brewing.

10 gallons of American IPA on Saturday. Helping another brewer with a Brown Sugga on Sunday. ;D