What's Brewing This Weekend - 11/25 Edition

Turkey Day is here!

Any post pigout brewing sessions planned for that period when you don’t have to cook anything?

I’m brewing a Robust Porter on Saturday. Perfect brewing weather this weekend on the Mid-Atlantic Coast.  :slight_smile:

I will make a 3068 starter today, to brew a weissbier this weekend, that I hope to serve at the office Christmas open house on December 8. I like my hefes fresh and young, and have had great success brewing with Wyeast 3333 in getting a beer on tap from the kettle to the keg in 7 days.  Hopefully 3068 works the same.

Oatmeal stout for me on Friday with some slurry of WY1450 from a real nice tasting pale ale I just tapped last night.

Schwarzbier this Friday with an experimental Czech lager yeast that our club is test driving. Starter went great, can wait to pitch it. Have a great holiday everyone!

American Pale Ale on Friday. I don’t like shopping but I like brewing!

Another Märzen on Sunday. Cheers, and Happy Brewing!!!

Finally cold enough here to brew lagers so I’m doing a German pils.  All pils malt and Hallertauer Tradition hops, StaroPrague yeast.

Denny, what don’t you up the hellawack shiznit of that and go crazy.  ;D

Turkey, stuffing, casseroles, and way too much food.

No brewing this weekend.

We are leaving for NW Iowa later this afternoon to spend Thursday with my in-laws.  Going to Omaha on Friday to visit my Mom then back to Des Moines yet that evening.  I’m managing 2 concession stands at Drake Univ. Basketball on Saturday and we are most likely stalking, cornering and killing a Christmas tree on Sunday.  All in all, a pretty quiet weekend for us.  :wink:


I’ve sorta made a tradition of making a batch of Black IPA on Black Friday. While all the crazies are out shopping, I’ll be brewing and sipping on a few beers! Looking forward to it.

I didn’t plan any brews this weekend since I thought we were going out of town.  But one of the kids got sick this morning so our travel plans have been cancelled.

Too late to get off the next brew in my schedule.  So I’m hurriedly brining a turkey and planning on getting caught up on various brewing tasks on which I am woefully behind.  Perhaps when the important food and beer tasks are taken care of I will do some yard work.

Making an IPA for when my brothers come into town in December.  I couldn’t find anything better to do on Black Friday than brew beer.

Just put a Duvel clone into the fermenter.  My first Belgian brew and first time using Simplicity Candi!  Look forward to the results.

Followed the Duvel recipe at Recipes -                   Candi Syrup, Inc.

Denny - good luck with the German Pils.  I just used the StaroPrague yeast for a Czech Pils and Munich Dunkel and early tastes are promising.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Finally doing the Nachtmare Schwarzbier friday and a 5150 ale saturday.

APA, but probably not until Monday.

I am planning a decocted double bock Sunday.

Time to make my Celebration clone “Sayreville Nevada” Sunday.

Bottling an oatmeal stout, doctored with cocoa nib essence and a cold extract of high-quality coffee. Should I go for a hat trick and add some vanilla?