Pre-Thanksgiving… weather is getting wintery (except here in Pasadena where it’s a balmy 80F)… what’s going on?
no brewing just drinking.
More cleaning and garage organizing. The list of tasks is too long and boring to post.
I’m brewing an IPA tomorrow and a bitter on Friday. I picked up some Vienna malt for the IPA today from a shop I didn’t know about prior to the new AHA LHBS directory being posted.
Big brewing weekend ahead for me. Going to brew an oatmeal stout, a northern English brown, and a north German pilsner. Woohoo! Going to be teaching someone to brew on Saturday in honor of Learn to Homebrew Day. 8)
Kegging beer…organizing the cellar…and Punkin’ Chunkin’
That’s what I should do…one of these weekends. Alas though, no brewing this weekend. Got the bigger kid’s fourth b-day party on Saturday.
Lots to do this weekend. I have a sweet stout and an ordinary bitter ready for kegging. Then I’m harvesting the yeast from those batches for a barleywine/brown ale partigyle brewing session.
Big ass wheatwine.
Noble hop bursted Belgian IPA on Saturday, then headed down to Oklahoma City to pour a couple of kegs at a Homebrew Showcase (free tickets still available if you’re local)
No brewing. Cleaning up and organizing the shop. Burning some brush and weeds.
Hey Jimmy, do you guys have competition throwing stuff? I’ve got an old fridge you can chuck…
Just pumpkins. I’m pretty sure a fridge would break it, but it would be cool.
do you have a trebuchet? that’s fun!
Brewing my first Oatmeal Stout.
I will be kegging a sweet stout and brewing an ordinary bitter.

No brewing, just this.
Jimmy…I am planning to be at the Punkin’ Chunkin tomorrow at 8a.m. for your first chunk.
fingers crossed
I went to my first competition a couple weeks ago and won gold for my steam beer. Unfortunately at the time, I had never heard of MCAB, so I didn’t save any more of the beer for it. So, I have to brew it again this weekend. Hopefully it has enough time to age.
On a whim, I threw together Chris Colby’s Cranberry Zinger on Wednesday. It took me about 30 minutes. It should be a nice complement for the non-beery family for Thanksgiving.
Will add the last of the nutrient additions to my apple butter cyser tonight.
Done brewing till after Thanksgiving I think.
No brewing. Kegging my Green Flash West Coast IPA clone, then headed off to LA for work on Sunday…for a whole gad damn week…ugh. Good news is, I’ll be able to get some good CA beers that I can’t get here in Iowa. It’ll be like a working vacation…right? I just don’t like flying.