What's brewing this weekend 2/5

As long as I get my yeast in time, I’m doing 12gal of vienna lager with Hugh Baird Vienna  :o.

im doing an english IPA this week as long as my new burner comes in YAY

I took off on Friday to brew my ESB. The yeast starter is growing as I type.  :smiley:

Not brewing this weekend but still having fun.  ;D  Moving a Russian Imperial Stout to the secondary & kegging a Foreign Extra Stout. RIS & FES were a partigyle a few weeks back.  Both have been at FG for better than a week now.

Sunday is Old Stoner Day!  It’s gonna be the 10th batch in 12 years.  We’ll do 10 gal. of OS, then partigyle another 12 gal. batch of something.

We did a Vienna yesterday.  Durst Vienna, a little Carafa II for color, WLP-833.  Fermenting now at 49F.

Later in the week I am thinking of another batch, but am undecided right now.

I hope to brew a Rye IPA inspired by Founders Red’s Rye.

I don’t need to brew, but I want to brew this one REALLY REALLY bad!!

American Brown (Tasty McDole’s Janet’s Brown)

Thinking this might be a two-fer week for me.

Saturday will be the monthly Falcons meeting (we had to move it from our usual Sunday due to some football game one week and Valentine’s Day the next) . I’ll be leading a tasting of canned craftbeers - PBR (ok, really, I’m using that for doctoring purposes), OB Mama Little Yella Pils, Uncommon Brewers Siamese Twin Ale (think Wit), Caldera IPA, 21st Amendment IPA/Watermelon Wheat / Monk’s Blood depending upon my scouts findings and OB Ten Fidy Imperial Stout.

Sunday, I’ma going to brew - a big mama jammer of an RIS. Oh yeah.

The Columbus IPA I didnt brew last weekend.
Electric boiler is good to go (4500 watts of 240 power baby!!!)

A Baltic Porter and if time warrants a Smoked Dunkelweizen.

MIGHT try and squeeze the IPA in Friday after work.

Not this weekend, but tomorrow (Wednesday) I’m brewing my first Pilsner (a sort of steam pils, actually).

This weekend I am watching fermenter :slight_smile: and adding gelatine to my Munich Dunkel.

Are you brewing that with Elisabeth?

I just had a two hour tasting at calderas tap house a couple weeks ago.  They have nearly twenty on tap.  It was cool because their tap house is the original Rogue tap house in Ashland OR.

Have you had that one before?  Caldera makes some seriously good beers.

11 gallon batch of Maibock to break in the ‘lager only season’ after a long summer brewing hiatius with some senior members /friends of my HBC to hopefully make sure I haven’t forgotten much.  Great benefit of getting to brew with more experienced brewers.  We are going to try the 34/70 dry lager yeast for a later experiment- going to dump a Dopplebock on top when the Maibock is done.

Indeedly I have. Damn tasty. The only one I haven’t had out of the can before is the Uncommon Brewers and I’ve had that one on draft.

woohoo - picked up 2L of fresh slurry last night - Super Bowl Sunday brew is on!

surprised I didn’t get any flack for using Hugh Baird Vienna.  I was expecting at least some.

OK I’ll bite.  Why aren’t you using a continental Vienna?  English Vienna? :o come on!

I was pretty crushed (no pun intended) - when we did our group bulk buy, NCM was out of my favorite Best Vienna, and wouldn’t be getting a new shipment for a week so rather than hold up our club’s order, I agreed to sub - I asked for MFB but they recommended Hugh Baird based on customer feedback so I ended up with 2 sacks of it.  My pro friend loves HB, so I figured it can’t be that bad, but I’m having remorse now!

I included it in my original post as I was hoping someone might have an opinion on it before I dive in head first this weekend.