What’s got the burners going?
I think today I’m going to fire off one of my last two brews for the NHC. Awesome, no?
What’s got the burners going?
I think today I’m going to fire off one of my last two brews for the NHC. Awesome, no?
I’ll be double decocting my second hefeweizen of the season and kegging a helles. 8)
edit: As it turns out, I’ve been neglecting some of my manly house duties over the past few weeks. So, instead of brewing tomorrow, I’m going to smoke a few racks of baby backs. That’ll give me plenty of time to get some chores done around the house.
Bottling a dunkelweisen and brewing an APA
I’m serious this time. :-\ …final (water only) testing of my single tier brewstand (B10 clone).
Also kegging my 2011 Barleywine that’s been bulk aging in the secondary since 1/24/2011.
Nothing at all, I’ll be gone to NHC and won’t be around to deal with anything, plus I have the 20 gallons to package from a couple of weeks ago.
Kegging 10 gallons of cali common and brewing up another 10 gallons for a friends wedding on the 25th.
No brewing this weekend. Yardwork and gardening most likely, with some drinking thrown in.
Brewing a California Common for an upcoming local competion, and a Porter. Also have to finish cleaning up my fermentation closet after the airlock clogged up Monday on a 1.116 OG Russian Imperial Stout. ;D Blow-off hose now installed.
Finally getting around to brewing my Oktoberfest on Saturday. Better late than never.
It’s IIPA time ! We’ll be brewing up 11 gal of 1.080 OG, 93 IBU goodness. Grain bill similar to Old man Pliny with a 18 oz hop soup concoction of CTZ, Amarillo, Citra, and Cents. It’s a we’ll see beer that my brewing partner has dubbed “the panty dropper” WhAtEvEr ThAt MeAnS ?
I’m moving 10 gallons of BoPils into kegs for lagering. And maybe giving Sean Terrill’s THA clone recipe a shot if time permits.
Brewing up my house APA, kegging a BoPils to start lagering and watching my Bruins kick some Canuck butt!
I’m thinking Northern English brown ale for the brew pot. Sort of a starter wort for a 1.100 Burton ale the following weekend. Maris Otter, Target, EKGs, 1028, kitchen sink specialty grains…mmmm, mmmm.
Also will be kegging a CAP and a Helles…the last two lagers of the season for me.
Well, not quite. I’m going to get a starter going of Rasenmäher lager yeast going this weekend as well. I’m hosting the local club (High Mountain Hoppers) meeting in my garden Sunday evening, and one of the members is going to plate it for his yeast bank. I’m serving cochinita pibil and weissbier! Its supposed to be 77°F Sunday. 8)
I am brewing a Kolsch. I brewed one 2 weeks ago as a step mash, this weeks is going to be a nice single infusion batch sparge.
I hope you’re right. I despise the Canucks.
All depends on how the newborn situation works out for me, but I’d like to get through a Berliner Weisse and an IPA that I plan to dry hop with citra before the weather gets to hot (although summer may have already gone here).
No brewing this weekend since I brewed the last three. Just some kegging and drinking
My wife and I are flying to NOLA Friday morning for our 35th anniversary weekend. No brewing, but I need the break from last weekend’s fiasco anyway. I plan to eat well, listen to some live music and visit my friend’s new race track. http://www.nolamotor.com/
Double batch day, 30 Minute Pale Ale, and 10 gallons of Wit for/with my minions (aka neighbors).
I’m doing my first partigyle…and doing a decoction as well. Should be a long brewday. Strong beer will be a Dopplebock (washed slurry of WY2308) and the weak beer will be a Patersbier (1.8L starter of WY3787). I’ll be using some DME and leftover/reserved wort from previous batches to get my gravities just right. Should be fun.