What's Brewing This Weekend - 7/15

What’s on tap?

Brewing an IPA.  Transfering a hefeweisen onto 5lbs of peaches and bottling a saison.

Brewing a Dry Irish Stout while I continue to learn my new direct fired RIMS and test the new MLT cozy.  Going the steeped dark grains route this time out.  Using Gordon’s book as a guide, I’ve settled on the cold steep and add to the boil at 10 minutes.

I’ll be brewing a Belgian Quad this weekend. Suppose to be a beautiful weekend here on the Mid-Atlantic Coast.

Racking the 1-gal pumpking “clone” to secondary and perhaps doing another 1-gallon test batch of an irish red.

Brewing a belgian blond that will be served at a beer dinner our club is co-hosting with a local chef.

Brewing a Roggenbier and doing ‘something’ to my first funky/sour beer (I don’t yet know what I’m doing on the funk/sour).

Kegging a dampfbier and going to the Beer Dabbler tasting event on Saturday in St. Paul.  No brewing this weekend. Will probably get around to finally brewing Oktoberfest next weekend.

Kegging a Brett C. Saison, and brewing another Saison to get it in the pipeline for later this summer.

excited to brew today - got my new pH meter last night, so hopefully i can get it calibrated and setup before I dough in.

kegging a hefeweiss and making my house IPA which I haven’t made since January  :-[  looking forward to it - kettle’s all ready to roll out of the garage, got my water all ready and propane tanks’r filled - jetting at 5sharp and getting to it!

10 gallons wheat.
5 gallons will be hopfen-weiss.  wy3068 with lots of amarillo and chinook
5 gallons will be saur-weiss.  Split off the boil early w/ Al B. bugfarm IV reuse

bottling something.  drinking something.

Assuming I get off my butt and go get propane this afternoon, I’m thinking about brewing a Belgian Single this weekend. We’ll see how it goes down

Nothing brewing…  Proll’y bottle a Pyment I made in January. It is the most beautiful color & crystal clear. It’s still a little dry even after back sweetening. OG was 1.125 & FG was .980. Cheers!!!

Pickling beets and canning tomatoes and maybe some dill pickles too!  Brewing? No time for a couple of weeks, need to get the O-fest going though.

I’m brewing a Kolsch Sunday morning before the garage gets to 100F.  Today I’m afraid I’m stuck making peach preserves with the wife.

If I can escape from the 4 year old birthday party madness Motueka Saison - split batch with WLP Saison Blend and WLP American Farmhouse.

Drinking some coffee now for today`s  BW brew, hope to have a sunny day.

No brewing this weekend.  Getting ready to haul the kids off to Scout Camp for the week in a couple hours.

While getting beer for dinner at a friend’s house, not one, but two kegs ran out last night. 
So now I have room to put two more beers on.
I’ll be kegging Vienna and IPA, checking the fermentation status of the Smoked Porter and sampling the Berlinner Weiss to see how sour it is getting.  That and a ton of yard work.

Ah - wrapped up around 11:30pm last night - hit every number with the exception of gravity being 1.066 instead of 1.064 (shucks  :smiley: ) but including 5.5 mash pH at room temp with my new Milwaukee.  There’s pressure on the airlock this morning - now for the yeast to do their job.