Yeast for the Surly rally wort

Curious to what everyone did with their wort from the AHA rally at surly this last weekend, what the beer finished at and what yeast you used. I further soured, added Tasmanian honey and am using Omega yeast labs Voss Kveik farmhouse strain. I’m chugging along down to 1.021 right now and I’m going to dry hop with Denali at 3 oz.

Added 3 lbs desert honey .5 oz citra hops, .5 oz medusa hops and Trappist yeast. slowly chugging away at 65 deg.

Did you do another boil? How long? What was your O.G. After adding the honey?

I will be looking to try this variation at Homebrew Con in June. It sounds awesome!

did a quick 15 minute boil forgot to take final O.G. so I guess this is a surprise does smell great as it goes chugging along.

Didn’t boil mine but O.G. prior to pitch was 1.065

Thank you I can get o.g. from this

Down to 1.014. Need to pick out some dry hops.